Dynamic sector


The Basic Pattern proposal falls within the context of human rights and more specifically in the area of food aid with solidarity organizations such as FAO ( United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture), religious institutions and individuals that their actions charitable help alleviate the situation, or the same State aid and direct action.

Today the world can produce enough food to adequately feed all its inhabitants, however, despite the progress made in the last two decades, 870 million people still suffer chronic hunger. Among children, it is estimated that 171 million children under five suffer from chronic malnutrition ( stunting), nearly 104 million are underweight and about 55 million suffer acute malnutrition (wasting ).

Most of the world's poor live in urban areas. Hunger and food insecurity are, above all, expressions of rural poverty. It has been pulled out of poverty for many rural dwellers in recent decades. In 1990, 54 % of the inhabitants of rural areas in developing countries living on less than $ 1.25 a day and was considered very poor.

In 2010 the proportion had fallen to 35 %. Rural poverty remains widespread, especially in South Asia and Africa. These regions are also the least progress has been made in improving rural livelihoods.

With increasing globalization, agriculture will cease to exist as a distinct sector and became only a part of a value chain. The value chain has points, from production to processing and sales, where the set is very focused , integrated and globalized.

This situation is a major economic challenge for small farmers in many developing countries, which may be excluded from important parts of the value chain. This happens mainly because they lack mechanisms that allow them to participate in the new global market. Also, the poorest countries are also at risk of exclusion against other major actors more influential entity in world markets.

Every year millions of people who depend on the production, marketing and consumption of crops, livestock, fisheries, forests and other natural resources are facing disasters and crises. These can occur suddenly, like an earthquake or a violent coup, or occur slowly, as the cycles of floods and droughts. May occur as an isolated event, one can trigger another or may converge and interact several events at once and generate cascading effects and magnified. These emergency situations threatening food production and access to them at local, national and sometimes regional and global levels.

In 2010-11 FAO implemented programs and projects with a total value of 1,707 million. About 5% are funded by regular contributions through the Technical Cooperation Programme of FAO ( PCT ) and the Special Programme for Food Security ( SPFS). The remaining 95 % is financed through voluntary contributions by the cooperation program FAO / Government ( 25 % ), Unilateral Trust Fund (6 % ) and other trust funds ( 64 % ), including joint programs UN. The overall work program of FAO financed by regular contributions and voluntary . The first are the quotas of member countries , established in the biennial FAO Conference. The FAO regular budget for the biennium 2012-2013 is a billion dollars. The voluntary contributions by members and other partners contribute technical assistance and emergency ( including rehabilitation ) given to governments as well as direct support to the core work of FAO. It is hoped that voluntary contributions exceeding 1.400 million in the 2012-13 biennium .

The total planned budget of FAO for 2012-2013 is 2400 million USD. Of this amount, 42 % comes from fees paid by member countries while 58 % will be mobilized through voluntary contributions from members and other partners.

The decision to end hunger must be adopted by society as a whole, and not by a single organization or a single government, said the Director General of FAO, José Graziano da Silva to non-state actors gathered in Addis Ababa to beginning of the debate on the need for a unified approach and partnerships strengthened to ensure food security.

The proposal Basic pattern is ideal tool to reverse this situation.