Popular Initiative for present in the Bureau of the Spanish Congress of Deputies the overall project Basic Pattern (PB) of subsistence.
PB Platform urges the Spanish government to present at the United Nations (UN) Global proposal Basic subsistence pattern for that organization believes, endorse and implement in the capitalist economic system the value of basic survival cost of each human being as monetary value represented in a certificate called certificate Basic Capital value, regulated by a subsistence Basic Pattern ( Index daily basic food cost per person, country by country), intended to benefit and support the planet.
PB Platform complaint:
1. There are thousands of families in poor situation. 870 million people are chronically hungry. Among children, 171 million children under five suffer from chronic malnutrition (stunting), nearly 104 million are underweight and about 55 million suffer acute malnutrition (wasting).
2. National and international administrations is not solving the problem. Currently the UN millennium goals set their attempt to reduce extreme poverty by half the planet in 2015 and the World Bank (WB) has on its agenda to end extreme poverty by 2030, but it is being said that it will be impossible achieve. Meanwhile, 22.000 children die each day from hunger.
3. The right to food was recognized in 1948 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art.25) as part of the right to an adequate standard of living, and consecrated in 1966 in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (art.11). The right to food imposes certain obligations on all States not only with respect to people living within their national territories, but also with respect to the population of other States.
4. Moreover, the World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, urged, in the spring meeting of the WB and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2013, to act on climate change by considering not only an environmental challenge but also a huge threat to economic development. It was not immediately meet international protocols (Kyoto, Bali) and increasingly climate disasters are more extreme.
5. The lack of financial resources to meet these challenges of the XXI century are the reason for this failure continued, so everything is in fine words and good intentions. No money for everything.
Basic Pattern Platform requires fair solutions possible and necessary in a capitalist world.
• We want to be implemented in the global economic system the actual value of human life (first value on which the remaining backbone values that makes it possible) in support of a new money for ending hunger and sustain welfare society.
• Just as the Gold Standard was a benchmark money fixing the value of the currency in terms of a certain amount of gold ($ 1 = X amount of gold), the creation of a Basic Pattern will be a monetary reference shall the amount of money equivalent to the cost electronic daily minimum food per person per day , country by country, 1 person = X amount of electronic money). An index at the cost of human survival as certified fiduciary value convertible sustainable electronic money.
The PB project has three levels of implementation:
• Individual, in which every citizen of the world may provide , through an account at the World Bank (WB), the new electronic money against the value is indisputable that every individual's life, killing meant monthly electronic shopping to food.
• State, in which, through the Bank, member states may have the financial resources derived from the value of the lives of its citizens to meet the costs of creating and maintaining social services.
• Global, in which the UN have the resources of this new electronic money to meet the expenses incurred by natural disasters, combating climate change and the collateral damage of war.
Therefore urge the Spanish Government to present the project PB in the Assembly of the United Nations (UN).
Sensitive invite people to join this platform: the union is the best way we have now to demand a better world for all.
We also invite organizations and social groups to support this show, because it is a task for the whole society to force a change of model transition from capitalism to capitalism humanitarian wild.
We also invite administrations to establish a dialogue to advance the implementation of these measures. While they are not applied, we announced that we will launch protests and actions necessary for the government to submit the draft to the UN PB .